Fall Leauge
Minnesota Freeze presents it's annual Freeze Fall League! We will put together teams this fall for girls in grades 5-8 running August - October! All players will make a team. There is no tryout, but we will have team placement days at the beginning of the league. The players will be separated into teams based on age and ability level, they will practice 2x/week and compete with five weekend tournaments in the metro area. The purpose of this league is to give the players quality instruction, high repetition, compete and have fun!
Ages: 5th-8th grade
Number of players per team: approximately 9-11
Coaches per team: 1
League Dates:
Monday, August 29, 2022 - Sunday, Oct 12, 2022
(excluding Sept 5 & 29)
Practices Days:
Mondays and Wednesdays 6:30-8pm
Practice Location:
Chanhassen High School, Main Gym (Gym 3)
Tournament Information:
Teams will participate in competitions on Saturday's. Dates and location TBD.
Each player will be given a t-shirt jersey to keep that will be used for tournaments.
Fee: $400.00